Saturday, January 29, 2011

Oak Park

Double Dive as DM:

Wobbegong x 2 , cuttlefish

IOU 1 update


Week later The Steps double dive as DM :


ShipRock & Oak Park

Double dive as DM:

IOU 1 update


SHell Harbour

Double dive at the Gutters and The Gravel loader:

IOU 1 update


Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Steps

A great double dive at the steps today with my new buddy Marty. I had some problems with the camera today, mostly around the flash. I think the fibre optic cable may be damaged as the flash only fires sometimes. I asked Marty to check if my flash was working before the first dive... it wasn't.

Here is a collection of photos from todays 2 dives.

Moray Eel

Goat Fish



Port Jackson Shark Egg


A New Nudibranch (I've never seen this one before)

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Comb Wraisse

Weedy SeaDragon

Sting Ray

Two great dives again in Sydney. Here is a slideshow of all of the days photographs.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
